Major milestone reached as initial design work funded for Wisbech Railway reopening

The Wisbech Standard reports the historic decision of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority to provide almost £1m of funding for detailed design study and proposed land acquisitions, following on from the successful completion of the business case.

The total £200m+ cost of the scheme includes a significant amount for the seven road level crossings which need to be fully modernised including the A47 trunk road and 15 other crossings along the line. It will also involve the remodelling of March station to allow future through services from Wisbech to Cambridge and Peterborough.

You can read more about the announcement here:

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Railway to Wisbech in the Local Transport Plan

It is sometime since we have posted something, even though a lot has been going on in the background in various offices around the County. But now there is something to report that we can all have a part in influencing. Bear in mind the many responses to previous consultations from all those interested in getting this project up and running have had a huge effect.

Between that last study and now, the Mott McDonald consultancy has been appointed by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority to produce a report based on Network Rail’s “Governance for Railway Investment Projects”, acronym “GRIP”. There are 8 reference points and the current state of project is at GRIP3b. Typically a GRIP 3B study carries out ground investigation, topographical surveys, asset assessment, capacity analysis, environmental assessment, design and level crossing risk assessments, as well as the development of the economic case, that in this case is also linked into the development of the proposed Wisbech Garden Town, which would deliver an estimated 10,000 to 12,000 homes over 25 years from 2020. Improving transport connections in Wisbech is seen as vital to bringing forward the garden town scheme. The work on Wisbech to March railway restoration will also need to complement other infrastructure projects, including the Combined Authority’s work to dual the A47 in Cambridgeshire from east of Peterborough to east of Wisbech. The proposed rail infrastructure upgrade at Ely, which is aimed at increasing capacity on the network, has also to be factored in.

Should this economic case prove to be sufficiently positive and the capital cost estimated to be affordable, the project goes onto GRIP 4 and delivery options.

It was estimated the consultants would take nine months to complete the study so it should have completed it by now. However we assume from the following extracts, below, taken from the new Local Transport Plan, its findings are positive for Wisbech Rail.

The Combined Authority has taken over from the County Council the statutory obligation to establish a Local Transport Plan, which must set out the Combined Authority’s “plans and strategies for maintaining and improving all aspects of the local transport system over a set period.” To that end the Combined Authority recently published a series of policies leading to the establishment of the Local Transport Plan and for Wisbech it states under:

Policy 1.1.1: Deliver strategic transport and complementary connectivity infrastructure

1.10 The Combined Authority is promoting a programme of key transport schemes to provide a step-change in transport capacity and connectivity to enable development and a higher and accelerated rate of delivery. This includes nine priority transport schemes: (Including)

Wisbech Rail Link, integrated with the Wisbech Access Package and Wisbech Garden Town proposals

Policy 2.2.2: Improve the accessibility and connectivity of our public transport links to expand our labour market catchments

reopening of the rail line from March to Wisbech, significantly widening employment prospects for residents with the introduction of direct services from Wisbech to Cambridge and Ely, supported by the Ely Area Capacity Enhancement (EACE) upgrades at Ely North rail junction;

Policy 3.3.1: Invest in our rail and highway networks to allow our firms, organisations and workers to trade and travel easily across the country and abroad
Rail connectivity is also particularly important for facilitating business travel: nationally, 9% of rail journey are for business purposes, and our region’s rail links to London in particular are heavily used by business travellers. We will therefore continue to work with our rail industry partners: the Department for Transport, Network Rail and operators, to improve the rail network, as outlined in policy theme 17 (Travelling by train), including through:
exploring options to expand the rail network to link to new settlements, corridors and growth areas, such as a new rail link to Wisbech, a new station at Soham and a travel hub at Alconbury Weald.

Policy 17.3: Explore options to expand the rail network to link to new settlements, corridors and growth areas
Policy 11.146 Wisbech is one of the largest towns in the country without direct access to the railway network, with the nearest station – March – a twenty-minute drive away and difficult to access by bus. Direct rail services to the town would support future development, including the Wisbech Garden Town, and open up new employment opportunities for residents of Wisbech in Cambridge by rail. The Combined Authority is exploring how to better integrate
Wisbech into the rail network, including how a new service to March, Ely and Cambridge could support the town’s future growth and prosperity.

Strategic Alternative 4 – Blended Strategic Alternative 4: ‘Blended’ includes a combination of policies and projects from the strategic alternatives above, including new highway capacity where most required to support growth, significant public transport, walking and cycling investment (including in CAM and Wisbech Rail Link to support social inclusion, access to employment and sustainable development), together with demand management where transport capacity is most constrained. In doing so, it seeks to combine the benefits of the alternatives above to create a balanced, multi-modal transport strategy for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

7.4 Projects
Rail Services The LTP includes new railway stations at Soham, Waterbeach and south Cambridge and is exploring the feasibility of providing new stations south of Peterborough as well as connecting Wisbech. The east-west rail arc between Cambridge and Oxford will connect communities along this route with direct rail services. Improvements to the existing rail system will encourage fewer car journeys, improving air quality. It is considered reasonable to assume no likely significant effect on any European site from this project.

Now it is up to us to influence the Combined Authority as it is organising a exhibition and consultation about its priorities at a range of locations across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough in June, July and September as follows:

Sawston, Tue 18 Jun, 3pm-8pm, Sawston Village College
Peterborough, Sat 22 Jun, 10am-3pm, Peterborough Town Hall
Soham, Tue 25 Jun, 3pm-8pm, Soham Pavilion
St Neots, Wed 26 Jun, 2pm-7pm, St Neots Library
Wisbech, Thy 27 Jun, 3pm-8pm, Rose and Crown Hotel
Cambridge, Sat 29 Jun, 10am-3pm, Littleport Library
Peterborough, Thu 04 Jul, 3pm-8pm, Peterborough Town Hall
Cambourne, Sat 06 Jul, Cambourne Library
Cambridge, Thy 11 Jul, 1pm-6pm, Cambridge Central Library, Lion Yard
Whittlesey, Fri 12 Jul, 3pm-8pm, Whittlesey Library
Huntingdon, Sat 13 Jul, 10am-3pm, Huntingdon Library
Peterborough, Tue 16 Jul, 3pm-8pm, Peterborough Town Hall
Cottenham, Thu 18 Jul, 3pm-7.30pm, Cottenham Community Centre Coffee Shop
Ely, Sat 20 Jul, 10am-3pm, Ely Library
Cambridge, Wed 24 Jul, 2pm-7pm, Cambridge Central Library, Lion Yard
St Ives, Thy 25 Jul, 3pm-8pm, St Ives Free Church
March, Sat 27 Jul, 10am-3pm, March Library
Peterborough, Sat 07 Sep, 10am-3pm, Peterborough Town Hall
Chatteris, Wed 11 Sep, 3pm-8pm, Chatteris Council Chambers
Cambridge, Sat 14 Sep, 10am-3pm, Cambridge Central Library, Lion Yard

We hope that you will be able to attend one of these events and write and comment positively about the need to restore the railway to Wisbech.

Here is a link to information about the Local Transport Plan (LTP) and the consultation form:

We will post additional information as we receive it.

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Restoring a train service from Wisbech to Cambridge

DocumentRailfuture East Anglia and the Wisbech Rail Consultative Group set out the background to restoring a train service from Wisbech to Cambridge and how it could be done.

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Location of the site of a new Wisbech railway station

walk_from_stationDon’t short change us on the location of the site of a new Wisbech railway station

The Wisbech to March Railway crosses the Wisbech A47 bypass at grade about 2 miles towards March. Eventually this level crossing will have to be replaced by an road over-bridge. To avoid that cost some authorities have stated that Wisbech station should be at the A47 bypass, 2 miles from the town centre.


Here we explain why locating the station in the town centre station is important.
Please support us achieving this aim.

Download the document here:

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Now is the time to deliver Wisbechrail

consultative_group_documentRailfuture East Anglia has joined together with  local people, rail planning experts and influential local business leaders to progress Wisbechrail through a new group they have set up called the Wisbech Consultative Group. This will harness peoples’ ideas about where the station should be, what facilities it should have and other issues to do with a new train service.
As you know the project has widespread political support throughout the County not least because the strong business case shows just what benefits will accrue to the town. Steve Barclay MP and James Palmer, newly elected Mayor of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, have many times enthusiastically spoken about the need for the link.

“Now is the time to deliver Wisbechrail” comes just 50 years after the last passenger train ran to Wisbech. We say there should be a definite plan that shows us when services will be running by the end of this milestone year.

The paper below sums up the progress made to date and shows how Wisbechrail will not just benefit Wisbech but the whole of the County too. The indicative timetable shows how Wisbechrail will revolutionise connectivity for Wisbech and the Fens.
Use of Rail is growing by 4.5% year on year in East Anglia. For example, Ely station now has footfall of 2.2 million per year. Use of a station in Wisbech will be equally strong.

Download the document here

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MP Steve Barclay warns about Wisbech Access Strategy


Steve Barclay MP warns in CambsTimes that an unammended Wisbech Access Strategy could jeopardise the reopening of the rail link from Wisbech to March.

“Mr Barclay says the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), the county council and Fenland Council have all ignored a Government directive that part of the £10.5 million can be used to progress the rail link.”

Mr Barclay added: “This is a flawed consultation in a whole host of ways. It is flawed because it says take it or leave it. It is flawed because it covers only roads.
“And it is flawed because it closes off further consultation on Wisbech rail and in a leading way since the Department of Transport has given higher benefits cost scores to those rail stations in town rather than on the edge of town.

This backs the Wisbech Rail Reopening Campaign’s call for everyone who supports the reinstatement of the railway to respond to the consultation saying they strongly object to the severing of the railway by the Southern Access Road.

More information about how to respond to the consultation here:

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Statement about delivering an integrated transport plan for Wisbech

A joint statement from Cambridgeshire County Council, Fenland District Council and the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has just been published, but it fails to explain why the “comprehensive package of both road and rail infrastructure projects for Wisbech” includes the next feasibility study for the railway, but also includes highway improvements which cut through the route of the railway jeopardising the reopening of the line to the town centre.

Please respond to the consultation saying you strongly object to the severing of the railway by the Southern Access Road.

More information about how to respond to the consultation here:


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Wisbech Access Strategy Consultation


Please take part in this consultation response.

Fenland District Council are consulting on their Wisbech Access Strategy which describes road improvements crossing the route of the railway which would prevent the railway reopening into the centre of the town:

This has come out of work done by the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership.

The railway is mentioned in the ‘Links to other projects’ document which says the reopening is:

  1. supported by Cambridgeshire Country Council’s Long Term Transport Strategy, and has also been
  2. In June 2017 the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority approved a grant of £6.5million towards the WisbechGarden Town Project. This funding includes £3.2milion to deliver the next stage of the WisbechMarch railway line project.

However the ‘preferred package’ page:

states “By linking Boleness Road and New Bridge Lane, the new road will permanently cut the railway line in this location. This means that it will not be possible for the Wisbech Rail Line and the new railway station to be north of the A47. The new station will have to be south of the A47, probably in the Redmoor Lane area.”

We ask everyone who supports the reopening of the railway to fill in the simple On-Line survey by Monday 27th November:

and indicate they don’t support the draft strategy because there is no mention of rail in the preferred package options, but involves upgrading the road at the point which could obstruct a reopened railway from reaching the town centre. 

You can also back this up in the section by stating you “Disagree strongly” with the “Southern Access Road” and “Strongly disagree” with the recommendation for the short-term package.

The survey forces you to select a level of agreement for each part of the plan, so we can only suggest answering ‘Neutral’ to any others which you don’t have a view on.

We hope that large number of people doing this will wake up the District Council and LEP into putting rail into the strategy.

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Wisbechrail Update – GRIP 3 funded


July 2017 Good News

Wisbechrail has taken a significant step forward to become reality.

One of the first initiatives of the Cambridgeshire Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) at its first meeting has been to fund the vital GRIP 3 process which looks at all the engineering options and their cost by assessing potential options and selects the most appropriate one to deliver stakeholders’ requirements.

The project has already completed to GRIP 2 which established the feasibility of the project by defining the investment goals and identifying constraints to ensure that they can be achieved both economically and strategically.

All of this is a part of a rigorous, necessary but long winded and expensive process called by the acronym GRIP which stands for “Governance of Railway Investment Projects which is essential in managing the risks and costs of a project. There are 8 stages:
1. Output definition
2. Feasibility
3. Option Selection
4. Single option development
5. Detailed design
6. Construction, test and commission
7. Scheme hand back
8. Project close out

So, behind the scenes a lot of effort has been put into getting funding to move the project into the next stage. Our Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise refused the funding in spite of the enormous local economic benefits but as stated above, the very good news is that the new Mayor of the Cambridgeshire Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) recognised the importance of Wisbechrail to the town and made the restoration central plank of his manifesto.
Through the good work of the Fenland DC ‘Wisbech 2020’ grouping, the concept of a Wisbech Garden Town has been carefully constructed in conjunction with consultants URBED. To make this exciting extension to to Wisbech work, Wisbechrail is essential. So, Wisbechrail is being progressed through the Garden Town planning, but importantly, it still is feasible without it. The Garden Town on the other hand, is not without the rail link.
The first meeting of the CPCA held in Ely on 28June, agreed the allocation of funding of £6.2m to further develop the Garden Town concept and the essential railway plan. £3.2m is allocated to the GRIP 3 process . The work will be be put out to tender and we understand several companies are interested in the work. We would hope that the GRIP 3 work will lead directly into GRIP 4, for much of the work for that will already been completed. The CPCA states it wants the railway work completed in 2 years but companies involved would want to expedite that.
Various railway projects in other parts of the country are being funded privately once they get through the expensive GRIP process. For example the East West Railway between Oxford and Cambridge seems to be going that way. We hope this will happen with the Wisbech-March ‘Wisbechrail’ project to expedite it. At the end of the build the route will be handed over to a Network Rail, with cost of the project being recouped from the fare box over 60 years.

If Wisbechrail is constructed in this way it could be ready for use in three or four years time, at the same time hopefully as all the railway works necessary around Ely. These are are necessary as the various junctions around the town are at full capacity now, especially that at Queen Adelaide, called Ely North. The business case for Wisbechrail is based on through trains to Cambridge so this work is essential for Wisbech. If the work at Ely is not completed in time for Wisbechrail we may have to accept the staging of our railway service. In first instance this may have to be a shuttle to a March and a change of trains on to the overcrowded long distance Birmingham-Stansted service.

We see the service from Wisbech being a Cambridgeshire local service calling at March, Manea, Ely, Waterbeach, Cambridge North and Cambridge, leaving the Birmingham to Stansted trains to be an express service.

Next our thoughts must turn to the site if a Wisbech station. To us it must be near the town centre so that must people can access it on foot and by bike. Any ideas?

Below are key points from the CPCA meeting and agenda:

Multi millions agreed to progress key projects
A multi-million pound package of investment aiming to deliver the future development of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, to include long-term benefits for Fenland, has been approved.

A multi-million pound package of investment aiming to deliver the future development of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, to include long-term benefits for Fenland, has been approved.

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) agreed almost £16 million of funding to drive economic growth to the area and overcome long-standing infrastructure needs at its meeting on Wednesday, June 28.

It means ambitious projects supporting the delivery of thousands of new homes, more jobs, better transport links and improved education opportunities can now progress to their next stages of development.

Among the funding approved by the CPCA included:

A total of £6.5 million for the Wisbech Garden Town project, which plans to regenerate Wisbech with 10,000-12,000 homes over the next 40 years. The money will fund feasibility studies over the next two years to investigate issues such as flood risk, transportation and land acquisition, as well as the next stage of the Wisbech Rail study.

A £500,000 contribution towards the business case development for the dualling of the A47, which, along with the Wisbech Rail link, is considered a “fundamental part of bringing about significant change to the area” by improving connectivity and unlocking many wider economic benefits.

Funding of £1.25 million to investigate the feasibility, benefits and impacts of connecting the M11 in Cambridge to the A47 in the Wisbech/Guyhirn area, along with £500,000 to upgrade works on the A10.

A total of £6.5 million to accelerate the establishment of a University of Peterborough. The funding will be used to help increase student numbers at the University Centre Peterborough (UCP) and turn it into a fully independent university by 2020; providing an opportunity for Fenland residents to study for a degree nearby.

A bid for £25,000 to fund a feasibility study into the use of modular homes. The work will consider the benefits of using off-site housing manufacturing, including the associated benefits of new skills and employment as well as the acceleration of housing delivery.

An allocation of £145,000 to establish an independent Economic Commission, which will complete an economic review of the CPCA area. The review will give unbiased evidence about the area’s economic performance, demonstrating potential for growth and helping to influence high-level national decisions.

Furthermore, the Board approved four schemes to be submitted to the National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF) run by the Department for Transport. The go-ahead was given for Cambridgeshire County Council to enter bids for A47 junction improvements, junction improvements in March to address congestion problems, further Wisbech access study work and A605 access improvements between Whittlesey and Stanground.

Welcoming the funding, Fenland District Council leader John Clark said: “The devolution deal to devolve central government spending to local areas has started to produce real cash investment that should hopefully lead to tangible outcomes for Fenland and its residents.

“This vital support from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority means numerous projects can now progress to the next stage and bring them a step closer to making a huge difference to our area.”

Included in the bid is £3.2 million to carry out the next stage of the Wisbech Rail study. The report says the reopening of the rail link is seen as a “fundamental part of bringing about significant change to the area” by improving connectivity and unlocking many wider economic benefits.
In addition to asking the CPCA to support the funding bid, Fenland District Council will recommend that the Garden Town activity integrates with the Wisbech 2020 Vision programme to ensure “a holistic approach to the economic, social and environmental aspirations for the town”.

Page 147. Wisbech rail is a fundamental part of bringing about significant change to the area by improving sub-regional and regional connectivity and helping to improve the economic function of the place. Tying into the wider Cambridgeshire and East of England economy will serve as a significant benefit to attracting new economies to the area.

The work required is the GRIP3 study.

However,The team will test these assumptions and seek an alternative provider to Network Rail in fulfilling the requirements of GRIP3.

Options to either public run or private run operations will be reported back thus ensuring options have appropriate consideration before undertaking significant capital investment if required.

The CA approved the allocation of the full £6.5m for Wisbech Garden Town feasibility work, which includes the GRIP3 rail study. This work will take 2 years and will be progressed in an incremental way to prove the relevant cases with regular gateway reviews to assess progress and approve continuation.

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Mayoral Election 2017 – A rail strategy for Cambridgeshire

thumbnail.PNGRailfuture East Anglia have produced a leaflet which highlights some of the rail projects needed to meet the future growth in rail use for both passengers and freight in Cambridgeshire.
This has been sent to the candidates for the Cambridgeshire Combined Authority Mayor asking them to work with the Government and rail industry to ensure an early delivery of these schemes which includes the reopening of the line to Wisbech.

The issue: The restoration of passenger services linking Wisbech to March and Cambridge is needed to support major new development of 10,000 to 12,000 homes in Wisbech . A recent survey by Fenland Council showed that 94% considered the new railway essential to any new development. Over 4000 people have signed a Railfuture petition calling for the rail link. A through service to Cambridge has the best business case but will require work at Ely North Junction.
Current Status: The County Council has commissioned feasibility studies on the rail re-opening. Fenland Council has submitted a £2m funding bid to develop the new garden village plans including new transport links.
Action required: The new Mayor will need to keep development of the rail scheme moving and project costs under control.

The complete document can be downloaded here.

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